Meeting Agenda

  1. Debrief

    1. Partnerships -
      1. 3 possible partnerships already (Don't want to disclose yet because it is not official)
    2. Regulation - talking with a lawyer to provide limited liability to members
      1. Incorporation to recieve funds
  2. Dev updates

    1. Did not do much progress on the hackathon. Still open for 3 weeks in a more general capacity
    2. Will continue work on vested token
  3. Rewards

    1. How to gamify contributions?
    2. Start handing Contributor roles to not spam @everyone
  4. Next Sprints Focus Area

    1. BizDev
      1. Apply to DAO VC funds
      2. Work with Evan and biz dev cluster to put together a brand and marketing guide
    2. Dev
      1. Continue on two efforts
        1. Focus on the vested token project
        2. Documentation for contributors
  5. Community Suggestions

    1. Clarify the vision, mission, and values for bizdev cluster to move forward.
    2. Work on a blog post that presents the above
  6. Meeting Recording