
Welcome to Valorize! We are thrilled that you are interested in joining our project. We are a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). As a DAO, we are a collection of individuals with shared interests and goals. Our mission is the following:

To advance technologies that improve human coordination!

We do this in two different ways:

  1. Through a user-friendly ERC20 Token Launcher that allows people to modify and deploy a token that suits their needs.
  2. Through the education of tokenomics to people interested to learn and build in the web3 space.

Please Visit The Cluster Overview Page To Become a Contributor

Cluster Overview


The UNITY NFT consists of two NFT projects: Product NFT and Membership NFT. The Product NFT is now live! Everything you need can be found here: https://nft.valorize.app/

The Product

Valorize.app is a working open source product whose code is hosted on GitHub. The current version allows people to launch their own token, and airdrop a certain amount to any amount of addresses. We are working on several features, such as vesting schedules, fundraising, NFT generators, and several more tools for helping to incentivize communities. This is open source code, but we do have services for which we charge a fee (such as whitepapers, audits, and admin panel management for the tokens). These fees will accumulate in the DAO’s treasury which will be managed by members of the DAO by way of ownership of the $VALOR governance token which will be launched in Q2 or Q3, 2022. Learn more about our roadmap here:


Going Deeper

Here you can see what we have been talking about in previous meetings

Meeting Notes

This is a workshop that we did at the beginning of December, 2021 to find the areas of highest impact to work towards

Valorize Workshop Dec 1, 2021